Experts in Penetration Testing
of your Web application AI Model Mobile Application Cloud Application IoT & Embedded System Blockchain application
AppSec Labs offer rapid, modern security penetration testing, utilizing smart solutions to protect against evolving cyber threats.
What we do
At AppSec Labs, we offer a variety of penetration testing services to ensure the security of your systems. Our team of experts can conduct the following types of tests:
Network Testing
AI Models
Web Application
Cloud Applications
Mobile App
IoT Devices/Applications

Our objective is to provide you with the most cost effective quality insight into your application security stature
This objective may be achieved used different methods of testing from a totally external test to a security review of the source code.
The Black/ Gray / White box methods are the industry standard options.
Black Box
Black box is a testing method by which the system is tested without having previous information about the target system, no user credentials, no access to the source code, and no knowledge of the architecture. Black Box Testing includes both manual & automatic scans.
Gray Box
Gray box testing is a combination of both black and white box testing and refers to testing a system while having at least some knowledge of the internals of a system. This approach will also include a review of critical parts of the source code, as required by the testing team. Gray Box Testing includes both manual & automatic scans.
White Box
White box is a testing method by which the system is tested with full knowledge and access to system resources (e.g. user credentials, file system, database, etc.), all source code and internal information (interviews with developers/analysts, design documents, admin access, etc.). White Box Testing includes both manual & automatic scans.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque bibendum quis urna non bibendum. Sed interdum sed nunc eget vulputate. Nulla vel est eu mauris mattis condimentum et vel tortor. Aenean ac finibus turpis, eu tristique elit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit
Praesent pharetra, lectus sed scelerisque pellentesque, nulla est imperdiet lectus, ac condimentum lectus lacus sit amet turpis.

Suspendisse faucibus
Proin ultricies, lectus ornare egestas vestibulum, dui urna euismod mauris, a tincidunt sapien risus at tellus. Nunc ultrices dignissim quam a efficitur.

Nunc lobortis rutrum
Aenean id accumsan dolor. Mauris vitae lorem consequat, vulputate purus sed, mattis turpis.

Nulla eleifend nibh quis nisl
Mauris bibendum turpis nunc, non luctus est dictum ac. Phasellus pulvinar dui ante, nec condimentum mi aliquet rutrum. Mauris sed ex erat.

Lacus sit amet turpis
In tincidunt pulvinar augue vitae convallis. Aliquam hendrerit consectetur massa, ut vehicula risus aliquet eu. Nullam vehicula metus ac imperdiet congue.

Vestibulum dictum felis
Integer ultrices erat vel tortor tincidunt tempor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Appsec Labs Penetration Testing Process
Kickoff session
Testing process
Final report
Findings overview
Repair cycle
Retest – optional
Integer vestibulum, nisi eget
Duis id porta magna. Donec euismod scelerisque elementum. Fusce in tincidunt enim, sed maximus quam.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut libero metus
Suspendisse nec orci vel lacus tempor laoreet. Sed porttitor dui vel velit ornare malesuada. Nullam eget tempor enim, accumsan sagittis velit.

Quisque quis malesuada
Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis et leo pellentesque, luctus ante eget, placerat dolor. Ut vulputate laoreet nisl. Nam at laoreet lectus, non pellentesque felis.

Vestibulum facilisis augue at aliquam
Vivamus sed venenatis leo. Quisque ultrices velit vel neque bibendum interdum. In mi ipsum, vulputate et mi vitae, dignissim iaculis neque. Sed varius mattis velit nec egestas.

Frequently Asked Questions
There are 2 major motivations for a penetration test
- Secure the core of your product for better resilience in a world of evolving cyber crime
- Meeting regulatory requirements many regulators from all industries, such as PCI, HIPAA, FDA, SOC2 and many more require proof of performance of application security testing
Our process begins with scoping which can be performed via a remote meeting in which we will understand what your system does and what you would like tested.
following the session we will provide you with a customized proposal.
Upon completion of the tests, a detailed report will be provided, including an:
- Executive summary
- Security vulnerability findings list - including detailing, and severity rating
- Attack scenarios
- Recommend solutions for mitigation of reported vulnerabilities
As part of your penetration testing project, in AppSec Labs we provide a “retest” following repair of reported vulnerabilities.
We will re-test the vulnerabilities to confirm effective mitigation.
Yes, you get a “‘clean report” stating the system's stature post-penetration test & retest.
Contact us to receive a sample report.