AppUse PRO

AppUse is a VM (Virtual Machine) developed by AppSec Labs. It is a unique platform for mobile application security testing, Android and iOS applications and includes exclusive custom-made tools and scripts created by AppSec Labs.

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$ 410

Tired of complex CLI while performing a penetration test?

As pentesters, we all know that there are a lot of commands, scripts, and tools that we use during  Android and iOS penetration testing, it can be tedious to navigate from the OS to the Android shell, pull and push files, and perform our tests via CLI beside of getting easy output of static and dynamic analysis of iOS apps.

Get faster, more effective and higher quality work with AppUse Dashboard

This is exactly why we built the AppUse dashboard! It will allow you to work faster, be more effective, get higher quality results and save precious time!

The AppUse dashboard will allow you to perform complex actions on your testing device/emulator via single-click, the following is only a partial list: