Java Secure Coding 3-days

Secure programming is the best defense against hackers. This multilayered hands-on course will demonstrate live real time hacking methods , analyze the code deficiency that enabled the attack and most importantly, teach how to prevent such vulnerabilities by adopting secure coding best practices in order to bullet-proof your J2EE application.
The methodology of the Cycle of knowledge is as follows: Understand, Identify, Prevent. This methodology presents the student with analytical tools to keep a deeper understanding of coding vulnerabilities and implement security countermeasures in different areas of the software development lifecycle. The hands on labs will enable the student to get a firsthand experience of the Hackers world and what could be done to stop him. Using sound programming techniques and best practices shown in this course, you will be able to produce high-quality code that stands up to attack.
The course covers major security principles in the Java framework, programming vulnerabilities, and specific security issues in J2EE web applications.