SSL Vulnerabilities Analyzer 1.1 published

Hi people

After a few months of work and research we have updated the SSL Analyzer tool to version 1.1. So, here is a description about the SSL Analyzer and who should use it.

SSL Vulnerabilities Analyzer

What is it?

This tool was created for penetration testers and for site administrations who want to check if their server allows usage of insecure SSL algorithms.

SSL did not allow attackers to read/change the traffic between the client (computer/mobile browser) and the server, if the server allows insecure algorithms, the attacker can force the browser to use them and break the encryption (as they are named, they are insecure algorithms…).

Easy to use

SSL Vulnerabilities Analyzer has a nice interactive tool that makes it easy to run and check if the server contains insecure algorithms also for non-technical people.

Source code

SSL vulnerabilities analyzer shared with his source code under GPL v3 license, as a gift back to the open source community.


You can download the current version (1.1) from here: SSL Analyzer version 1.1 zip

For more details, source code and versions, please visit the dedicated area in our website:

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